Tuesday, October 11, 2005

More Rain

Meagan and Brenna's soccer practice got canceled for the night.  Sarah's coach moved her practice to last night, so she at least got hers in.  It's looking like rain here for the rest of the week, but Saturday looks like it's going to be sunny, so they will get their games in before we go on vacation.  Sarah's team is starting to really understand the game, we've been working on getting them to pass the ball, not get in each others way, and to play defense.
We're going to on vacation starting Sunday.  I need to get our tent dried out so we can get some in during the week.   We have a house directly across the street from one of the recreational centers they have in the communities.  The weather is looking good for the week down there, sunny through next Thursday.
Work is going pretty well.  I'm doing some that is at least more interesting than converting procedures from MSSQL to Oracle.  I am working on converting an application from VB6 to .Net that talks to a DTC (Depository Trust Company) mainframe.  We have two options to talk to it now, using files (basically EDI), or message queuing.  I am, of course, hoping for the latter option, but the odds are currently very much against it, as their data team does mostly file moves, and doesn't know much about message queuing.  You'd think a large company like Wachovia would have people that know about pretty much everything, but I guess not.  I'm trying to read up on some more in my spare time, I'd really like to get a job in that area until I can move into the bioinformatics or biotechnology fields.

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