Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Rent A Coder

Got my first bid from Rent-A-Coder last week!  It was pretty easy, setting up an RSS feed for a site that already had their articles being stored in SQL server, so all I had to do is create the query and format the results to XML RSS 2.0.  Didn't make much off of that, but the guy that I did the work for is giving me more work.  Also gave me a 10 rating on RAC, so that should help toward getting more work off the site.  Still have a long way to go in that department though, I think.

Have a deadline for RMS of end of the month, but I am pretty much done with all the back-end work on it.  I have all the security and classroom page stuff set up, just need to get some schematics from the guys at BigOak and put that together and it will be done.  We did add a couple of minor things for the issue of having students in the database.  We're going to allow the parents to add their children to the site if they choose to do so, that way the issue is in their hands on whether or not their kid shows up on the site.

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