Thursday, April 07, 2005

House, Yay!

Finally starting to get somewhere on the house!  I spent yesterday morning wandering through Louisa, first talking to a real estate attorney so I had some clue as to what needed to be done for the land transfer.  Then I contacted a surveyor to come out and to the survey and make the new plats.  That is supposed to take about 4-6 weeks.  Once that is done we’ll be able to have them start building, so I’d say we’ll be breaking ground mid May to early June.


Not much else going on at the moment, getting close to completing the next phase of the RMS project, which will include the customizable pages for each classroom.  I’m shooting for having it done end of this week.


Getting a little bit of work from Harmony-Web again, QA work.  The Lockup has been saying that they are getting email errors.  Somebody turned off the error logging feature at some point though, so I had nothing to go on.  I turned it back on, and haven’t seen anything going to the log.


Wow, as I said that I checked the log, and lo and behold, there was a sendemail error!  W00t, now I have something to work with.


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